I can help you grow your business.  


I've worked in marketing for more than 20 years. My expertise is digital, but I have deep, integrated experience in TV, radio, social and direct to point-of-sale, promotions and live installations. I’ve built and managed teams, big and small, at home and around the world. I’ve worked on hundreds of high profile projects - including the first commercial use of YouTube, one of the first banner ads in Canada, and earned a Guinness World Record for a slot car track created for Chevrolet at the Pan Am Games. I also enjoy the administrative side of business and people say I do ‘great boardroom.’ But more than anything, I'm a self-professed geek who loves to solve complicated business problems and make things that no one has ever seen. And with years of automotive, telco, packaged goods and retail experience under my belt I know I can help you, your brands, your team and your company get to the next level.



I Believe...
Helping consumers solve problems is more effective than shouting at them.

Agencies that focus on selling hours are less inclined to create great work.

Small, nimble teams are hugely effective.

Failure is the path to success.


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I Believe by David Stubbs is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0